Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Inside My Head...

Hello there, bottle of wine.  My how nice you are looking this evening.  What’s that? You feel even nicer than you look.  Oh you sneaky wine! I know your intentions.  I didn’t start drinking just yesterday.

You think you are stronger than me.  I’ll show YOU strong.  I’ll leave the kitchen so that I can’t be tempted. What!?!?!Now you are pulling the kids into your ploy???? Real mature!  Just because they are banging on my bedroom door for me to make them dinner, that doesn’t mean you will win.  I WILL WIN!

AHA! I did it.  I made it into the kitchen and fixed the oldest a chicken soft taco.  Not my greatest culinary quest but she was happy.  And she’s leaving for dance class.  Now back to not thinking about wine.

Oh crap. I just totally thought of you again.  Damn you bottle of wine.  And damn you 5 day detox.  I kicked your detox butt yesterday.  Why are you torturing me today? 

Hmm….wonder if I close my eyes and think wine if my grapefruit juice will taste like Norton.  Let’s see ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Um, no.

Oh look.  My phone’s ringing. Yay…..a distraction!

So yeah….that worked.  Not even thinking about that damn wine anymore. 

Now I’m thinking about ice cream.  Time to load the family up….mama needs a Butterfinger Concrete!
