Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Autumn Swoops In

Ahh fall....Bring on the hoodies....the pumpkin beer....the piles....the cool, crisp air....mmmm....oh and the first colds of the season.

Over the past week, I've been soaking in the glorious days of fall. Enjoying all that this season has to offer. Well, with the exception of the last one. House Rodriguez has been hit with snot. From every facet that snot can secrete. It's been great, really. Snot rags strewn throughout the house and a sneeze from somewhere or someone every 1.3 seconds.

It seems as though the allergies/head colds/flu/nightmare beyond belief have decided to pack up and leave. Most of us are feeling better and by the weekend should be back in tip top shape. Which is fantastic news because its the first weekend in OCTOBER. YEAH! Halloween decorations go up, spooky movie nights return, fun fall activities for the whole family that are both entertaining and educational insue.

Ahhh....fall....I LOVE IT!