Saturday, June 06, 2009

It Wasn't Even My Birthday

Back to the crazy, busy, worked a lot of hours week that I’ve been having…..

Last night, I was feeling bad because I’ve worked close to 50 hours this week and have barely spent anytime with the kids since Sunday. On my way home from work, I stopped to buy the kids ice cream. Because ice cream makes up for EVERYTHING.

I pulled in the driveway excited about my surprise for my munchkins. Grace met me at the car door trying her best to distract me from walking in the house. Apparently, they had also planned a surprise for me.

Instead of making a beeline for the freezer, I moseyed around our backyard checking out the freshly groomed grass and garden. I checked in on the veggie plants that Chris has been working so hard on, examined the fountain area where I hope to plant the lavender this weekend and was finally allowed to enter the house.

Here’s what I found:


Seriously….Hands-down the best family. EVER.